Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blue Angels Come to Great Falls

Friday The Blue Angels hosted the Special Olympic Kids at the air show. We got to sit in one of the open flight bays right on the runway
Tanealya and Taylor took some time to say hello to friends.
This is the Blue Angel's transport.
Riley posses with the planes in the background.
These are some of the planes that performed while we waited for the Blue Angels.
One of the Blue Angel plans with crewmen.
The Blue Angel pilots.
They walk in formation and one by one the pilot falls out at his plane.
A pilot getting in his plane.
Taxing down the runway
The show begins.
Then they land.
Today dad and Sabrina took the kids back to the air show. The posed with plans,
got to climb on large equipment,
and sit in the border patrol helicopter.

It was quite a weekend here in Great Falls.


Oergel said...

What a great weekend! The air show looked fantastic - great job capturing the precision maneuvers. The Blue Angels are the best!

Tracie said...

Nice photos! We really should have been there...I really do regret missing my 20 year reunion last weekend :-( I didn't even realize the Blue Angels were there too! That would have been fun.