We spent time in a place called City Market. This is the social hang out with lots of food, shopping, and music. It was fun to sit out here in the afternoon or evening.

Peach cobbler. Savannah folks will tell you they have the best peaches anywhere. This was on every menue in town. It was very good.
We eat in lots of interesting places. It was like going to Europe. Molly MacPherson's was an old family Scottish pub. Once inside you were transformed to Scottland.
Our next stop was England. We had afternoon tea here. Very authentic. The Savannah folks have a tea called sweet tea. Taste the same no matter where you order it.

Irish import store. Just like going to Ireland. We even visited a store that was from Paris, Fance. Once you entered you felt like you were in Paris. It was really a cool shop.
Our last stop to eat was The Pink Lady. We had dinner here our last night. It is an old mansion built in 1771. Rumored to be haunted. We didn't see any ghosts, but any dropping of things was blamed on the ghosts.